The Influence Of Service Quality On Baso Aci Acay‘S Customer Satisfaction

  • faisal ashidiqy Universitas Garut
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Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality


The purpose of implementing service quality is so that we or the company understand what the wishes of the guests are. Become one of the measuring tools for all company activities in serving guests or as a reference for evaluation materials as decision making in the future. This study uses quantitative research by looking for causal. Respondents in this study amounted to 34 Baso Aci Acay’s consumers. After analyzing the theory and the results of previous research, the researcher got the results to answer the problem formulation with the conclusion that there was an influence of service quality on customer satisfaction of Baso Aci Acay. Further researchers are also expected to use more respondents so that the results of the research are even better.

How to Cite
ashidiqy, faisal. (2020). The Influence Of Service Quality On Baso Aci Acay‘S Customer Satisfaction. Management and Entrepreneurship Research Review, 1(5), 176-178.